Sacramento State offers a M.S. degree in Geology. For the most current information, please see the department website. Below is a summary as of December 2023.
Our degree program consists of 30 units total. It has a core of three 3-unit courses (Research Methods, Regional Geology, and Quantitative and Numerical Methods) and several 3-unit electives. Two tracks are available: non thesis and thesis. All students are initially admitted as non-thesis students. If you develop a thesis topic, and find an advisor who agrees to supervise it, you can move onto the thesis track. Finding an advisor is not guaranteed. If you become a thesis student you can apply 6 units of thesis work to your degree program.
Note that two semester of both calculus and chemistry are required for entry into our program.
Most of our students are not funded and pay tuition out of pocket. However, a handful of teaching assistantships are available each year. In addition, some projects may have funding. Ask your potential advisor.
As of now, all of the graduate courses are offered in the evening making this program accessible to those who would like to work while completing their degree. Many of our graduate students have historically ending up working for the SWRCB, DWR, USGS, or industry.
The application deadline is March 1 for Fall 2024 admission.